Firefighter Fitness
welcome to the gym.
workout routines and exercises for functional fitness that will keep you in shape for the next JOB.
Full Body - Full Gear with SCBA
10 ceiling pulls with Olympic bar or mace - each arm
50 Bear crawls
1 minute Assault bike or 15 squats
15 Pushups
10 Bent over row
30 Mountain Climbers
10 Wall ball throw - each side or 20 Hanging Ab raises
Repeat each exercise until bottle is empty.
Upper Body - Full Gear with SCBA
20 pushups
8 dumbbell military press
20 bear crawls
8 bent over dumbbell rows
20 sledge hammer strikes to tire or 10 ceiling pulls (each arm) with Olympic bar or mace.
8 dumbbell curls
8 triceps extension with dumbbells or cables
1 minute assault bike or incline walk
Repeat each exercise until bottle is empty.
Lower Body - Full Gear with SCBA
10 med ball squat wall throw (throw the ball up as high as possible on the wall and catch during squat or catch then squat)
8 dumbbell lunges
8 straight leg dead lift
20 duck walks
20 search slide (10 each side) - skip to 5:33 in video if you are unsure what this is, watch how they move during search. Search with the Water Can - YouTube
2 min assault bike (10 second sprint - 25 second cruise)